Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Real Meal in a While?

"Thanks to local charities they ate what may have been their first real meal in a while."
I see the homeless fed three or four times each day every weekend in Cass Park, and also see them fed three or four times daily on the Mack and Third.  They eat more meals than I do.   But once again this weekend the myth that homelessness equals hunger in Midtown Detroit was broadcast and loudly.

So much more can be done to eliminate homelessness, and there are several excellent, responsible charities in Detroit who do so and do so transparently.  Had the sponsors of this weekend's event each given their $60,000 directly to charities, like Mariners Inn, instead of blowing the wad on staging and lighting and other organizer overhead, think of how much a difference could have been made with those hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I'm off to bed, to try to fall asleep despite the loud clanging of the work crews disassembling the stage, sound equipment, generators and all the other stuff.  But I'm thankful that Kem and company might wait another two years before coming out with another album that needs to be promoted.

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